ELETRAmobile English


The ELETRAmobile system is a derivative of the patented “ELETRA” battery system. Technically closely related to this product, ELETRAmobile is also tailored to the special technical requirements of car transport trucks. The system was developed by Revive Automotive and Bestlog.

ELETRAmobile supplies energy required for all trailer functions, but unlike the system installed in the trailer, it is mounted on a trolley.

The system thus fills a gap in demand in the vehicle transportation sector, in which vehicles are permanently driven between fixed points, for example between a car factory and a depot.

The first version of the system is designed for trailers from the Italian manufacturer “ROLFO” and can be operated without modifications to the original trailer. This eliminates the need to start the diesel engine.

ELETRAmobile offers a gross capacity of 11.9kWh. This capacity is sufficient for heavy traffic with short cycles.

The system can be permanently recharged with 2kW. Operation is not restricted during the charging process.

A separate outlet for external can be used for starting an engine  or for general supply of 24V systems.

The system ensures diesel fuel savings and a reduction in noise and exhaust emissions.

More information can be found here: